Last week was beyond busy but, most importantly, Matilda finally had her appointment with an otolaryngologist (ENT) in Syracuse.
Matilda was such a trooper as usual and left the entire office complimenting her every move. They said her tonsils looked very big and scoped her nose to take a peek at her adenoids. Matilda later told Tyler that she didn't like it when they put the noodle up her nose. But, it was such a relief to hear the doctor say that although they are obstructing her airway by more than 80 percent (keep in mind that Matilda doesn't even seem sick at the moment), they do not look abnormal otherwise – this is good news regarding EBV.
Of course, they will still test the tissue per the transplant team's request, but I feel like a huge weight was lifted and have hope that removing both Matilda's tonsils and adenoids will result in a much healthier little girl.
We don't have a surgery date set in place yet, but it will happen in the next couple of months. I can't thank each of you enough for your continued support, love, kindness, and prayers. It is really shaping up to be a wonderful summer.