Last year, Matilda didn't get to meet Santa because she was sick and we weren't able to make it to NYC. But this year made up for everything she missed. As Santa rounded the corner she squealed with delight, "It's Santa! It's really him!" Then, she ran right over to him to say hello. In fact, we had to pull her off of him so that the other kids could have a turn. She stood staring at his every move with the most cheesy grin glued across her cute little face.
Parker played the cool older brother explaining how it all worked, how we needed to wait our turn and that we would have our special moment - his gaze fixed on his sister as she bounced in excitement. And there it was, he experienced the real magic of Christmas - getting caught up in the joy of others. It wasn't about him anymore, it was about the moment we all shared together.
When our room number was called and it was time to sit with Santa, Parker walked up slowly letting his sister take the lead as she leapt onto Santa. He was proud to wear his NICE shirt and beamed when Santa said, "I see you are on my nice list, Parker." Matilda settled down, tucked in his lap, not wanting to move an inch. She would have stayed there the whole night!
We got Parker's shirt from Hi Little One and it is the softest shirt ever made! And now every time he wears it he is reminded of how Santa complimented it and all the magic comes rushing back! Wouldn't this shirt be a cute gift from an elf on the first day of December next year?