a day in the life

I am thrilled to partner with Cricut for this "day in the life" post - they asked me to design a trendy t-shirt and I had a blast coming up with a theme I think you will enjoy. This post does contain affiliate links but, as always, all opinions are my own. Thanks for your support!

One of the first questions people ask me once they know I am full time blogger is, "What does your day look like?" And, I totally get that - some days, I wonder the same thing! The transition from teacher to stay-at-home mom, while juggling working at home was not a smooth transition.

Here is what my day looks like - mostly!

I am not a morning person and have the hardest time getting going in the morning. Luckily, Tyler gets the kids up, gets Parker ready for school, and drops him off every morning. Before Parker leaves, he wakes me up with a kiss, followed by Matilda usually slipping into my bed for a snuggle. But, at 8am when the medicine alarm goes off, it's time to get up. Medicine for Matilda, and coffee for me!

Matilda usually watches a show like Curious George or Daniel Tiger while I sip on my coffee and check in with the world of social media before our work day begins. We head to my office and I prepare for the day by looking over deadlines, returning emails, brainstorming new ideas, and setting up social posts for the day. All while Matilda paints - it is her very favorite thing to do and keeps her busy. We chat back and forth, sing songs, ask each other questions, and have a few laughs.

Once Matilda is ready to move on from painting, we play, make lunch, and dance. Once she heads to nap, I am off and running! This is my time when I can really dive in deep and work. Depending on the day, it is writing, developing a pitch, getting things done for Altitude Summit, creating a project, styling a photo shoot, or editing photos on the computer.

Then, we pick up Parker, usually followed by something fun for the three of us to do together. I try to slip in a few more work things before I run out of sunlight, while the kids play together. Dinner tends to hit all of us like a hurricane - I am always happy when that event is over and done with.

After dinner, I treat myself to some alone time. Sometimes it is a nap, sometimes I head to the gym or run, hit the thrift stores, or chat with a friend. Whatever it is, it is just for me, and boy do I need that time doing something I love!

Once the kids are in bed, I head back to work on my computer - usually writing posts, making decisions for social media, and answering emails. But I also snuggle on the couch with Tyler and we watch our favorite shows until midnight or so.

I should also mention that I schedule different days for different tasks:

Monday - work for the blog, get things set up for the week.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday - work for Alt Summit and other freelance projects.
Friday - work for the house (laundry, organizing, deep cleaning, etc.).

All of these shirts were made in Cricut Access in a few short minutes! All you need to do to make your own is sign in, add text, select the "Southwest" font, left align the words, and press go - make sure to mirror the design from the cut options screen reverse the word. Then, let the Cricut do it's thing! Weed out the leftover material, iron on to basically anything, and call it a day! So easy!

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