I had the kind of day today that woke me up and made me smile. It was a lab day, which means getting up early, loading in the car, and driving to the nearest town that will take Matilda's blood. I don't look forward to these stress-filled days. But today was different.

Parker stood by the door with a toy in one hand and his cup of milk in the other. He looked me right in the face and shouted with excitement, "Are we ready guys? Let's do this!". So we did. Matilda made everyone stop in their tracks and smile. Smile because she is a champ. She did not cry today. She was calm and curious. She watched them take her blood. It made us all laugh.

Parker has an ability to stand tall and challenge my attitude. He makes me search for better ways to live. He sparks my smiles and fills my day with wonder. Parker is brilliant and I love that he is mine.

So, let's open our windows and let the fresh air in. Let's start running in the yard like it is a jungle. Let's laugh so hard that we have to stop to catch our breath. Let's feel the wind in our faces and the grass on our toes. Let's leave our jackets home and let the crisp air bite. Let's roll up our pants, ride our bikes and let our ankles breath. Let's have fun today. Let's make memories that will wipe away our tears, fears, and hang-ups. Let's imagine. Let's play. Let's do this.