I recently made a really fun DIY Cookie Sheet Memo Board for eHow.com and fitting all the details into one post just seemed impossible. So, I thought I would give part of it to you guys because, really, you are my favorites. Here is how to make any toy into an fun magnet.
Supplies: small plastic toys, multi-surface spray paint, magnets, hot glue gun.
Process: I sprayed each toy with a light coat of paint, waited until it was dry and finished with a second coat. Once that second coat was dry, I cut magnets to fit the back of each toy and hot glued them on. Simple as that! Spray painting the toys in a few complementary colors really took this DIY to the next level by adding a little sophistication to otherwise ordinary objects.
Time: This project took me a couple of hours. But really, most of it was waiting for the toys to dry.
These magnets are now everyone's favorites despite the fact that Parker was a little distraught over the fact that I would "ruin" perfectly good Legos. Nothing is ruined when it is turned into art... Am I right?