refinishing pendant lights

I love the feeling of walking out a flea market or thrift store with something in my hands that I know has value beyond its price tag. And on this day, I walked out with five pendant lights from an old diner. The excitement I felt, the strut of accomplishment in my walk, and the victory Instagram photo were all proof that I had won that day. The next step, of course, was to paint!

Supplies: an old (or new) light fixture, spray paint (I used a multi-surface flat paint), steel wool, and soapy water.

Process: First, remove the wires by unscrewing the nuts on both the top and the base. Set your cord assembly aside until you are ready to hang. Using soapy water and some steel wool, clean and scuff the surface of the fixture. Once dry, place the light fixture face down and spray paint it, making sure to hold the can 10 - 12 inches away and using long, smooth motions. It took me three thin coats to cover the bright red.

Time: In total, this took about 30 minutes (plus dry time) and the results speak volumes.

I painted two white for my kitchen, one bright yellow for the dining room, and another black for my office. I have special plans for the fifth one! I can't wait to show you what they all look like hung, but, for now, this will have to do!

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