just paint it

I was recently working on a project for World Market (hang on, my first post with them will be published later this month!), and needed to take pictures of our playroom. But the morning of the shoot, I kept staring at the dark corner with the stove wishing it could be white to match the other side.

And then I realized, I had the power to paint it white! Ha! Sometimes we put funny restrictions on ourselves about what we can paint and what we should leave "natural". But, there was nothing natural about putting extra wood flooring behind a fireplace in the first place.

So, I delayed the photo shoot a day, buckled down, and painted until it was done. Now, I have a bright corner that seems to smile back at me whenever I enter the room. It's so much better than it was before. Sure, it is still a little quirky, but hey, I like it now!

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