Matilda is 9 months old today!

She makes me laugh. She is always chuckling about things, which makes us laugh trying to figure out what is so funny. Yesterday she giggled every time she took a bite of applesauce. What a goof.

She really tries to figure things out and I love that about her. She quietly examines Parker's toys as if she'll find a hidden secret. Clapping is her new favorite thing to do.

Matilda loves to make eye contact and in return smiles with her whole body. Sometimes she smiles so hard that she falls over. When Tyler is holding her on his lap facing out she plays a game where she arches her back to look back at him - and then she laughs.

She eats whatever we give her but prefers smooth over lumpy. Although, puffs are her favorite - I think she likes sharing them with her brother.

Parker likes to squish her and she is starting to tell him no. He can't seem to understand why she gets upset with him.

She remembered her favorite nurses and gave them each a snuggle. It was beautiful and made me cry. The transplant team gave her a stuffed animal with a removable liver with her name embroidered on it. She loves it.

Matilda gets places, but is not crawling yet. She is off of her steroid completely. She takes Prograf (anti-rejection medication that she will take for life), aspirin (because the surgeons say so), and Norvasc (for high blood pressure caused by the Prograf). She is healthy and the team is more than pleased with her progress.

Mighty Matilda - you are a gem.