matilda on martha

If you did not happen to catch the big news yesterday, let me fill you in. Matilda is being featured on the Martha Stewart Living website modeling three last-minute costumes that I collaborated on with Melanie of You Are My Fave. Beck (my future son-in-law) is also featured and looking as cute as ever dressed like a drummer boy and an ice cream man.

It all started a few weeks ago, when Mel asked if I would be interested in a collaboration. Was she kidding? Of course I would absolutely be honored to be a part of something for Martha. We had such a fun night brainstorming ideas and when the chat was over the texting started.

We probably came up with 20 solid last-minute costume ideas for babies. The assignment was to create a costume out of items found in anyone's office or kitchen. Instead of narrowing the pot down to one, we decided to just make as many as we had time for and then decide. Some were winners, and some (like the rainbow I tried to make out of sticky notes) were losers. But the entire process was so much fun.

So when the time came to choose, Mel sent them all. AND they were all well received! I was more than happy to submit the ones I made under the YAMF brand. So when Melanie told me that mine would be featured as mine and linked to Cloudy Day Gray, I was humbled. Mel has gone above and beyond in supporting me and my dreams and I am forever thankful.

But it is not just about halloween, or friendship, it is about Matilda. It is about bringing awareness to pediatric organ donation/transplantation. It is about getting people to fall in love with Matilda, for everything she is today. So that they can see what might not have been. Because without the selfless gift of a liver from a two-week-old baby, Matilda would not be here. I would not be making adorable last-minute costumes, I would not be dancing around my living room with Matilda on my hip in celebration. I would not be smiling from ear to ear that Matilda is on the very website I have spent countless hours searching, ogling, and admiring since I was in high school . In everything that I write, in every project that I make, I am doing it for the babies who were never donated an organ in time, for the parents who are searching for meaning, and for the ones who are waiting.

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