photo collection

You guys, I don't take my camera with me everywhere we go. And I don't photograph my kids constantly. I try to give them a balanced experience and play with them without half my face hidden behind a camera.

But this day, Parker and I were playing and raking leaves (our biggest tree still has half its leaves) while Matilda was napping and he kept on doing the most adorable things. I kept telling him how cute he was and how I wanted to remember this exact Parker forever. His response was "Well then, mama, you better go get your camera so you can add this one to your collection." I told him that it was okay and I would just remember with my heart. But he insisted, and I am glad he did.

P.S. I think the "collection" he is referring to is my screen saver, which files through all my photos and makes a random collage. One of his favorite things is to sit with either Tyler or myself and talk about the memories, the days, and everything that happened with Matilda.

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