I have a thing for historically referenced halloween costumes for kids. I will never get tired of seeing little ones looking dignified and thoughtful. And if I can add in a little history lesson on the side, even better!
I was pretty excited about the $5 princess wig that I fashioned into a traditional wig. Parker however was not a fan, and I don't blame him. In fact, I think he looks better without the wig, while still getting the idea across. Instead of the wig, a better prop might be a notebook that says Newton's laws.
Matilda is clearly the apple of my eye and with her cheeks she was all the inspiration I needed to create this costume, which was made in 10 minutes flat. I folded a large piece of red felt in half and then cut an apple shape. I then cut a hole for her head on the fold, hot glued between the arms and feet, and added a little shine mark out of white felt. The leaf hat played double duty this season and was also made of felt (with a little batting in between) hot glued to a headband. This costume could easily be paired with a chef, a school teacher, or Sleeping Beauty.