local santa

Santa came to our local bookstore and Parker was a ball of excitement to go and get a peek. It was nice, the line was not long, the staff was friendly, they didn't charge anything, and I got to spend some quality alone time with my Parker. And, he was full of all sorts of surprises.

First off, Parker got really nervous and wiggly. I told him that he didn't have to see Santa, but I didn't want him to feel disappointed once we got home - and that sometimes pushing past that nervous feeling is rewarding and feels really good. He was brave and later told me that I was right and that he felt proud of himself.

Second, he told Santa that he wanted a robot - first time I have heard of this. And that Matilda wants a cat - not going to happen.

Third, he didn't look at any toys for himself, found a few options for Matilda, and independently asked the barista for a glass of water - please and thank you's included.

Four and a half is turning out to be a very lovely age.

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