caravan craft packs

We love giving away Cloudy Day Craft Packs to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Mount Sinai whenever we go for Matilda's appointments in NYC. This trip was no exception. We teamed up with the Caravan Shoppe to donate a whole lot of Halloween fun! Included in each pack were: six blocks to mix and matching 8 different spooky costumes, monster stickers + crayons, monster bunting to cheer up the room, and temporary monster tattoos to surprise all the nurses.

We were even able to hand one of the Cloudy Day Craft Packs over to a patient ourselves. He was so thankful and eager to get his hands on each activity. The Mount Sinai Child Life team plans on handing the rest out at the next parent social hour/support group.

We were also happy to read such a beautiful article written by the hospital about the first set of craft packs we made. Here are links to the first and second packs that we handed out.

And if you like what you see, Caravan Shoppe is the best place to find reasonably priced, impeccably designed printables for any occasion. You can download and make everything you see here for no more than $20. Amazing right?!

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