great grandpa indeed

Our Great Grandpa Jack passed away over the weekend. Parker always told us that we called him that because he was a real great guy. And isn't that the truth? Parker has a way of slipping in bits of wisdom when we need to hear it most.

Parker and I were at church and while my phone silently lit up with texts from family explaining how things were with Grandpa Jack, Parker asked what was going on as I glanced at my phone more than once. I took his hands and explained that Grandpa Jack was sick. With his big blue eyes looking right into mine, he asked, "Is he going to Heaven today?" I wasn't ready for this question, but answered that I thought it was time. "Where is Heaven? Will he be with Bridger (the family dog)? Can he come back for a visit? Why does he have to leave? Why can't he stay?" I held Parker tight and told him I knew it was all very confusing, and that I wished I could explain how it works. I told him we would talk about it at home.

He hardly moved, just stared straight ahead. He held my hand. I don't want to have to talk about death with my four year old. But he has been very close to it, and he understands more than I ever did at four. So we did our best.

We looked at pictures and remembered each time we were blessed with his company. We thought of all the funny things he said. The hard work he did. All the time Tyler spent at the ranch when he was little boy. We talked about the children he raised and the good he did. We talked about how hard this last year had been on his body. And, we talked about the peace he feels now.

Oh, Great Grandpa Jack. You will be missed.

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