Teaching Matilda to celebrate her transplant-iversary is important to us. We never want it to be something that holds her back or makes her feel sorry for herself. She has been given the opportunity to live. No one should feel sorry about that - especially her.
So, we celebrated yesterday by giving Matilda a look-alike doll - complete with matching scar. My friend Shelley from Shellbell was so willing to rethink her design to make my dream come true. And this doll is the made so beautifully. The sewing is perfect. The style spot on. The design absolutely adorable.
Parker has been keeping this secret with me for a couple weeks and was so excited to help me wrap it up and present it to her. He beamed as he pointed out the matching scar and clapped when she hugged her tight. Later when Parker and I snuck off to church (Matilda has been sick, so we are keeping her home and away from germs), he took my hands in his and said the most beautiful prayer in the sweetest little whisper for his sister on her "liver day".
We all celebrate this day. We celebrate how beautiful life is. We celebrate the angel baby that granted us the opportunity to watch Matilda grow. We celebrate the parents who gifted us something so precious and close to their hearts in a time of grief and anguish. We celebrate because we are thankful and although this new life comes with some uncertainty, some inconvenience, and some discomfort - it is life. A beautiful life that none of us can imagine living without.

Also, Tyler made that custom wrapping paper with the Cricut Explore. Isn't it awesome?