During our week in NYC I got a lot of questions from a lot of different people regarding my awesomeness. Ha! But really, I think that I surprised a lot of people by taking this last year by storm and making the very best of a very bad situation.
And I have to say that it honestly was not easy.
I was thousands of miles away from any family or friends, I had just spent the last four months on the emotional rollercoaster of a lifetime, and was all of a sudden a full time stay at home mom to a child with medical needs and a wild two year old boy. I cried a lot. Everything was exhausting. Everything seemed unmanageable. And everything seemed out of my control.
Until one day, I decided to take control by starting this blog. I chose to get started, to make goals for myself, to find the beauty in our everyday life, to give to others, and to be awesome while doing it.
If, by the end of the day, I was able to say that I did my best to give, live, love, then that was enough. By finding this online community to laugh, celebrate, and cry with I was propelled forward. And I have meet some absolutely amazing people along the way. Like my friend Alison, who just so happens to have made a video series on How To Be Awesome, which you should seriously watch.
With everything she says in the series, I am totally on the other side shaking my head yes and practically shouting amen out loud. She is funny, inspiring, and real. And I highly recommend getting to know her because we are all going through something difficult. We all have cloudy days, and we all need to let our awesome out.